We all need to express our emotions more especially in Japan!! This is what Philippe says often from his feelings of being in Japan.
In Europe, he says people are a lot more expressive everywhere on streets and in public places and share all emotions with each other. Expressing your emotion is a normal thing.
All emotions are ok. Not just happiness and joy, but also sadness, anger, or worries. "Expressing everything you feel is an inspiration to others and the world around us" says Philippe who used to express himself in streetarts in Europe. He often says street art saved his life, too.
So, without too much planning but with the simple theme of "Summer", we decided to paint spontaneously with fingers, hands and feet on a wall today. Of course, children went beyond the expectations in their creativity and splashed the paint everywhere!
One child who said in the beginning "oh...I don't want to get my hand dirty...I want to do it with just my foot" went most wildly in his creation! His creativity inspired the rest of us to go wild, too!
始めは「僕は手を汚したくないから足だけでもいいかな?」と言っていたRくんが結局一番ワイルドに手も足もモノも使って描いてくれたんじゃないかな(^_-) 彼のお陰でみんなも思いっきり表現できたと思う。
The result? Yes, it was quite chaotic, haha! Oh well! It's ok!! The most important thing today was for everybody to be inspired and express themselves. We saw that achievement in their smiles today!
In the ending circle, we all shared our feelings and discussed our plan of the "Obstacle Race" for the next class.
As Gandhi says "Be the change you want to see in the world", let us use our imaginations and creativity and express ourselves to the world!
See you next time in two weeks! ではまた2週間後に!
Philippe and Akiko